After a frustrating half an hour watching a handful of distant Shearwaters, the first of what was to be two Bonxies powerfully lumbered out of the estuary fairly close in.
This was quickly followed by a dark-phase Arctic Skua that after a rather half-hearted attempt at flying into the wind ‘flopped’ down on the sea near a large buoy.
Then, after a barren spell a conundrum. It was another Skua that initially I had down as a juvenile dark-phase Arctic, but on closer inspection it appeared to be a bit more beefy and that nudged me towards a young Pomarine…will just have to leave that one…
Another hour must have slipped away watching squillions of terns and a drip feed of Gannets before the first Fulmar of the day moved through prompting a small movement of juvenile Kittiwakes.
After yet another funk, Great Skua number two, but try as I might, no Petrels, and considering the conditions a tad disappointing.
Will be interesting to see if anybody had any Petrel joy over in the Wirral – not much seems to slip past unnoticed at Hilbre!
Point of Ayr 29.08.10
2 Great Skua
1 Arctic Skua (dark phase, adult)
1 Arctic/Pomarine Skua (dark, juv)
20+ Gannet
15+ Kittiwake (mostly juveniles)
1 Fulmar
1 GC Grebe
4 Guillemot
1 Razorbill
1 Wigeon (first of 'autumn')
Lots, and lots, and lots of Terns.
Until later.